B-EZ Graphix Blog

The Foundation of Content Marketing

Sep 9, 2020 2:10:41 PM / by Jaelynn Hart

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As time goes on, ‘traditional marketing’ is becoming less and less effective. People no longer want to simply be pitched a product with no information on how it will benefit them; instead, they are looking for someone who will provide them with truly useful and relevant content to help them solve their issues and pain points


That’s why many go-getters in the marketing world have been using a little thing called Content Marketing. 


What’s that you ask? Well, Content Marketing stems from the idea of “selling the experience, not the product.” It means providing your customers with useful information to educate them on your products and services to show them how those products and services can solve their problems. It creates a connection between the customer and brand, effectively boosting brand awareness and revenue. 


Now, maybe you haven’t warmed up to the idea of Content Marketing yet. Maybe you’re thinking, “My traditional marketing campaigns work perfectly fine for my brand. Why should I bother with a new strategy?” And sure, traditional marketing is fine.


But is it really working for your brand?


Need to know more? I get it. Here are 5 reasons why you should be taking advantage of Content Marketing strategies. 


  1. Builds Brand Awareness

Let’s be honest: most people don’t know about your business outside your circle and it’s about time we changed that. If done correctly, you would be able to use Content Marketing to generate quality, consistent traffic to your website and expose your target audience to a brand they never even knew existed. It gives you the ability to create even more awareness for your brand and use the content to display your expertise and show them just how your product can solve their challenges - that’s what content marketing is all about!


  1. Content is Queen

Every marketing campaign starts with a story, and that story has to have content. The content you provide your audience has to have value and it has to tell the story of your brand, selling the experience of what your brand is rather than just pitching your product. Your content and the way it’s presented is what will draw consumers and other businesses to you. Content marketing is content shared to your audience through a wide variety of media that is not specifically meant to pitch your product, but is supposed to stimulate interest in your product or services. 



A great example of queen content on B-EZ Graphix’s own social media is our monthly “Champion of the Month” post. Here, we spotlight an employee that went above-and-beyond that month to showcase their strengths and show our thanks. This is a great way to personalize your brand and to put a face to your business, to show your audience who is behind the screen. It makes you feel more personal, more trusted, and will help you build a relationship with your audience.


  1. Great for Organic Search (SEO)

When you open up Google and type in whatever keywords you need, the search engine is working hard to provide you with the best and more relevant information regarding your question. Whenever you create spam-like sales copy (“Look at me! Click me! Sale here!”), Google doesn’t see your content as relevant or helpful, and so your website doesn’t show up in the search results. However, when you use content marketing to create expert content for the sake of sharing useful information to your target audience, the search engine sees this and, therefore, it will rank higher in the final search results and draw in more traffic.  


  1. Visitors Will Share Your Content

You’re an expert in your field, so if you can showcase and solve your audience’s problem in a unique and informative way, consumers and other businesses will be more likely to share your content. Social media is quickly catching up with search engines as the best way to reach your audience, so if you can create shareable, informative content, you’ll be one step ahead of the game. 




  1. Builds a Relationship with Your Audience

Overall, content marketing is a great way to get connected with and create a relationship with your target audience. By providing your audience with helpful, informative content, you’re becoming a resource that they trust and feel that they can come back to. Different types of content, such as podcasts or video content, can feel more personable and help strengthen that bond as well. 

Creating effective and impactful content is vital to growing your business and your brand, not just in 2020, but beyond. Content marketing is the crown of Marketing and we probably can’t talk about it enough!



If you want to resonate with the people who matter most - your target audience - you have to distribute purposeful, valuable content that’s going to give them information that can be tied directly to your brand. Rather than sharing content for content’s sake, use content marketing to build your brand as one that shares relevant, beneficial content to show that you are the real expert here. Building a strong relationship with your target audience and selling the experience rather than just pitching your product is the first building block to a strong foundation.


Tags: B-EZ Graphix, Content Marketing

Jaelynn Hart

Written by Jaelynn Hart